There are two low tech CO2 systems extant. One, an inverted bottle diffuser, is for ONLY small low tech tanks under 20 gallons (80 liters). The second, a “wide mouthed jar” diffuser, will work well for much larger aquariums. These type systems are often called “passive CO2 bottles”.
13.1. Stocking Opinions
Stocking opinions: In MY OPINION, if one has excellent filtration, with a large volume of good media, in an aquarium established for at least four months, without filter cleaning, the number of fish one can put in a tank is huge.
New species: Phoxinus adagumicus – Taxonomic revision of Phoxinus minnows
In this study researchers present a taxonomic revision of Phoxinus minnows (Leuciscidae) from the Caucasus and describe a new narrow-ranged endemic species Phoxinus adagumicus from the Adagum River basin, Russia.
Type localities Apistogramma
Have you always wanted to know where Apistogramma species occur? The map below shows the type localities of the different Apistogramma species. To see the legend with species, click on the arrow below to the left of the Title: Type localities of Apistogramma. A big thank you to Roland Kipper for providing the map!
12. Treatment of Fish Disease in the Aquarium
Diseases are generally not a problem in aquariums that have over-filtered, crystal-clear, bacteria-free water. The Key to Good Fish Health is Clean, Bacteria Free Water Note this does not mean water which is changed frequently. The idea that water changes create good health is a myth. The idea that water that has “good water parameters” […]
New Species: Argolebias adrianae
We describe 𝐴𝑟𝑔𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑏𝑖𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑒, a new species of killifish from a small temporary wetland in the Paraná Forest ecoregion.
10.5. Hexamita in fish
Hexamita is the common terminology used to describe many Hexamitidae Spironucleus species. Some use the term “internal parasites” to describe hexamita. There are hundreds of “internal parasites” of fish so we won’t use that terminology.
New species: Moenkhausia aurora
𝑀𝑜𝑒𝑛𝑘ℎ𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑎 𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑎, a new species of tetra from the rio Culuene, rio Xingu basin, in Mato Grosso State is described.
10.2.4. Epistylis on a Fish
Epistylis is a disease commonly confused with Ich. It can look almost identical to ich. Epistylis is typically fuzzy and translucent while ich is clearly defined and very white. Epistylis stick out from the fish while ich only slightly protrudes from the fish.
The Ultimate Guide to Snail Eggs in the Aquarium: Identification, Reproduction, and What to Do with Baby Snails
Snail eggs in the aquarium, this article gives some guidelines to control the number of snails in your aquarium!