Breeding report of the Ancistrus L144 with lots of images of parents, eggs and fry.
Marina Parha
Keeping and breeding Hypancistrus zebra (L046) – Part 2: Breeding
Breeding Hypancistrus zebra isn’t that easy. Just finding the right males and females to spawn is job in itself.
Keeping and Breeding Hypancistrus Zebra (L46) Part 1: Keeping L046
Keeping and breeding Hypancistrus zebra – L046 isn’t always easy. Here you can read the report of an experienced aquarist. Part 1 – keeping and breeding Hypancistris zebra.
Keeping and breeding Thorichthys meeki
Keeping and breeding Firemouths or Thorichthys meeki isn’t always easy. Here you can find a full report!
Keeping and breeding Betta splendens, the Siamese fighting fish.
Betta splendens is one of the most colourful fish species. In this article you can read all about keeping and breeding them!