Blog Categories

To make it easier to find the right aquarium articles, we have divided the articles into different categories. Below you will find the categories:

Adriaan Briene

The articles of Adriaan Briene, who sadly died too early, have a special place on the website. All his articles can be found via this link: Articles by Adriaan Briene.

Aquarium Filters

Information about different filter types!

Various filter types are available for the aquarium. How do they work and which are best suited in which situation and why. You can find it in these articles.

Photo Contest

Aquarium Photography

Tips, tricks and information!

Aquarium photography can be quite a challenge. Low light, moving subjects, reflections… some of the tips in our articles can improve your aquarium photography

Aquarium articles


Various articles

Aquarium articles can cover many different topics. This category contains the articles that do not fall into any of the other categories.

Aquarium beginner


Articles for the novice hobbyist

This category contains articles for the novice aquarist. More information about setting up, lighting, filtration etc.



Handy aquarium calculators

Making calculations is sometimes more difficult than you might think at first glance. Our calculators may be able to help you with that.

Rio Aturia - Paracheirodon axelrodi biotope


The habitats of the fish species

This category shows articles that tell more about the living environment of the different fish species. Origin, water values and details.

Do It Yourself aquarium

Do It Yourself

Aquarium DIY Projects

Build an aquarium yourself, make food yourself? Making a back wall or rocks for the aquarium? Bio Co2 or Drilling a Hole? In these articles you can see Do It Yourself projects around the aquarium!



Balance in your water composition

The water quality of your aquarium depends on many factors. Biological and chemical reactions change the water composition. But how do you achieve a balance in the water composition. You can read more about this in these articles.

Photo shoot

Photo shoot

Aquarium photography by AquaInfo

Occasionally we go out to photograph aquariums of enthusiasts. In this category you will find a number of these photo shoots.



Aquarium science for the common man

The website finds out what the real situation is. Filtering, bacteria, what is true and what is false. With scientific substantiation or at least with a scientific approach. The articles are published with permission. From easy to understand for beginners to the references to papers for the enthusiastic scientist.

We publish the articles one by one.

Aphyosemion striatum


Killifish keeping and care

Killifish are not only kept by enthusiasts, but often also bred. That way they can be maintained within the hobby. In these articles you can read more about keeping, caring for and breeding these colorful fish.

aquarium rack

Breeding reports

Breeding difficult? Get ideas here!

What could be more fun than breeding your own? Or read how others breed their fish. Some varieties are very easy to breed, others very difficult. Read the experiences of other hobby breeders in these articles and get ideas!

aquarium news

Aquarium News

Important news for the hobby!

Announcements, new species descriptions, important papers, new products? All news is collected in this category.


Bloodthirsty predators or not?

Piranhas are often portrayed as bloodthirsty monsters…but are they? These articles tell you more about Piranhas and how to keep them.


Articles about plants, nutrition, etc.

How do you plant plants? Which trace elements are useful? Clay balls for the roots? And which plants would you rather not use in the aquarium? You will find it in this category!

Travel reports

Travels to the origin of our fish!

Watching fish in the aquarium is a lot easier than in the wild. Check out the reports that others have made of their aquarium trips here!


Keeping and caring for rainbowfishes

Rainbowfish come in many different colors. We have collected a number of articles to help enthusiasts keep and breed these beautiful fish.


Review and test products

From time to time we make reviews for example about products. This often concerns products that we use or have used ourselves. What’s good and what’s not good… you can read it here.


Example aquariums

To get ideas for decorating the aquarium, we have collected a number of showcases here. Decorating, plants, fish, technology… take a look at how others do it!


Lake Tanganyika and its inhabitants

Lake Tanganyika is very old. In this section you will find articles about Lake Tanganyika and its inhabitants.


Articles about Equipment

A lot of equipment can be used in the aquarium. Here you will find articles that go into more detail about different types of equipment.

Fish Food

Fish food information

What do you feed the fish? How much and how often? Frozen or dry food? Do you want to make fish food yourself? Read it in the articles about fish food!

Water parameters

Info about water parameters and testing

Do you want to know more about water parameters and how everything is connected? Here you will find the articles! To measure is to know….but you have to know what you are measuring!


Articles about Saltwater aquariums

Saltwater aquariums have their own specific problems and solutions. These articles will give you some more information!


Recognize and cure diseases

Everyone will eventually have to deal with a sick fish. These articles show you how to recognise and treat the diseases.



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