
Assimilatory Denitrification

8.9.3. Assimilatory Denitrification

Bacteria, fungi, water molds, wood, algae, mulm, protozoa, plants and, indirectly, fish can absorb nitrates, nitrites and ammonia from the water and produce proteins. This can reduce the nitrogen compounds by something called “assimilatory denitrification”.  It is common and well-documented.

Bottom of the Tank Matten

8.7.7. Bottom of the Tank Matten

Bottom of the Tank Matten filter consists of a combination of under-gravel plates with a substrate of charcoal colored foam instead of gravel.

Aquarium Diatomaceous Earth Filters

8.7.4. Aquarium Diatomaceous Earth Filters

Diatomaceous Earth Filters could be used to filter out ich, parasites and bacteria. However the filter plugs very easily and is no longer produced.



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