Magdalena River Basin and Pacific Coast – South America

Magdalena River Basin and Pacific Coast – South America This playlist explores the captivating biotopes of the Magdalena Basin and the Pacific coast of South America. This region is renowned for its unique biodiversity, where various fish species and plants coexist in a rich ecosystem. The videos provide an in-depth look at the natural habitats […]

Amazon Basin – South America

Amazon Basin – South America This playlist takes you on a visual journey through the Amazon, the largest and most biodiverse river basin in the world. You’ll explore the various biotopes that comprise the river and its surroundings, focusing specifically on both blackwater and whitewater areas. The videos provide a detailed look at the unique […]

Madagascar, East and South Africa Biotopes

Madagascar, East and South Africa Biotopes This playlist takes you to the fascinating freshwater biotopes of Madagascar, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland. The videos feature stunning footage shot in pristine nature, showcasing the diversity and beauty of these unique ecosystems. You’ll get a glimpse into clear rivers, lakes and streams that are home […]

Central Africa Biotopes

This playlist showcases beautiful freshwater biotopes from Central Africa, with images that can inspire unique ecosystems and fish from the region.

West Africa Biotopes

West Africa Biotopes This playlist invites you to explore the unique biotopes of West Africa, where rivers and lakes are rich in biodiversity. The videos offer intriguing insights into the natural habitats of numerous fish species, including vibrant cichlids and other endemic species that define this region. With detailed images of the flora, fauna, and […]

Lake Tanganyika – Africa

Lake Tanganyika – Africa This playlist features stunning footage of Lake Tanganyika fish, showing their natural habitats in detail. The videos provide a realistic and inspiring overview of the ecosystems of this unique lake, with footage capturing species and their behavior in their native environment. For aquarium enthusiasts and nature lovers, this is an ideal […]

Aquarium Co-Op

Aquarium Co-Op The YouTube channel “Aquarium Co-Op” offers a wealth of videos focused on aquarium maintenance, fish care, aquascaping, and products for aquarium enthusiasts. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced aquarium keeper, these videos provide practical tips, helpful product reviews, and step-by-step instructions to help you maintain a healthy and attractive aquarium. The […]

Lake Malawi – Great Rift Valley – Africa

Lake Malawi – Great Rift Valley – Africa This playlist takes you on a visual journey through Lake Malawi, located in the Great Rift Valley, which is one of the richest and most biodiverse ecosystems in the world. The lake is renowned for its thousands of unique fish species and showcases a vibrant and colorful […]

Rio de la Plata River Basin – South America

Rio de la Plata River Basin – South America This playlist takes you on a journey through the Rio de la Plata River Basin in South America, one of the most biodiverse river systems in the world. With its rich ecosystems and unique fish species, this area offers a wealth of information for aquarists and […]

The Guianas – South America

The Guianas – South America This playlist explores the captivating biotopes of the Guiana Shield in South America. Featuring stunning images of both blackwater and whitewater habitats, the series provides an in-depth look at the region’s unique flora and fauna. You will learn how fish and plants adapt to these distinctive ecosystems and gain insight […]



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