The Lake Victoria Species Survival Plan represents an organized effort by North American zoos and public aquariums to conserve as much of the diversity of the endemic cichlids therein as possible.
Communication between Pterophyllum or how Angels talk
Communication between Pterophyllum happens in 3 ways. There is a chemical, acoustical and visual way of communication by means of smell, movement or distinct colouring of bands.
Aquarium and fish during your vacation: make preparations in time
How do you take care of your Aquarium and fish during your vacation? In this article we will give tips and tricks about the preparation, instructions, feeding, lighting and much more!
Help a fish broke my aquarium thermometer – Don’t panic!
What should you do if your aquarium thermometer is broken and the content has ended up in your aquarium? First of all: Don’t panic! Most thermometers used in aquariums do not contain any harmful substances!
Catfish: Understanding these scavengers
With more than 2200 species does the group of catfishes represent a large amount of different species some with the most extraordinary adaptions.
The Central Scene – North & Central American Cichlid Keeping
Lee Nuttalls magazine The Central Cichlid unfortunately only saw 8 editions but provided lots of good quality information and images about North and Central American cichlids. The 8 editions can now be seen online as an ebook.
A Look at Genetics
Breeding fish with some understanding of genetics can provide better results. This article gives starter information about genetics, genes, line breeding, cross breeding, selective breeding and much more!
New species: Cirrhilabrus greeni
A new wrasse species has been described: Cirrhilabrus greeni. This small wrasse originates from the Timor Sea, Northern Territory Australia. As many wrasses this species has very striking colours.
New Species: Brachychalcinus reisi
A new species has been described in the Characidae family, sub-familiy Stethaprioninae: Brachychalcinus reisi. They originate from the tributaries of Rio Curuá in Brasil.
New species: Corydoras hephaestus
Corydoras hephaestus was only discovered in 2014 and described in 2017. A beautiful Corydoras species with a black body and red dorsal and caudal fin.