Keeping and breeding Microctenopoma ansorgii

Microctenopoma ansorgii is a beautiful specie that is easy to keep. Unfortunately, it might take some effort and a lot of patience to be able to buy one.

Observations on Betta coccina

How to breed the Betta coccina was fairly unknown. Tom en Linda had to find out on their own how to breed them.

Trichogaster chuna - Honey Gourami

Spawning and Raising Honey Gourami

Raising the delicate fry of the Honey Gourami is not very easy. In this article, I will explain how I managed to do breed these beautiful fish.

Hyphessobrycon flammeus - Flame Tetra

Breeding Hyphessobrycon flammeus

Hyphessobrycon flammeus is one of those “bred by the thousands” Florida farm tetras. But breeding them yourself can be a bit difficult without some help.

Breeding Ameca splendens

Gerry describes the external fysiology of Ameca splendens and tells about his recent experiences with breeding and keeping them.

Raising Brine Shrimp

Raising Brine Shrimp isn’t easy. Alen Green developed a great recipe to raise the small Brine Shrimp nauple to full grown Brine Shrimp so you can feed them to larger fish as well.

Corydoras gossei

Breeding Corydoras gossei

Breeding Corydoras gossei is actually quite simple. In this breeding report you can read how to breed them yourself!



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