Corydoras gossei

Breeding Corydoras gossei

Breeding Corydoras gossei is actually quite simple. In this breeding report you can read how to breed them yourself!

Spawning the Paretroplus maculatus

Spawning large cichlids in the aquarium is not always easy. This is even more so when you keep species for which not much is known like the paretroplus maculatus. So much of it relies on your instinct and the good will and cooperation of your fish.

Breeding Bristlenose Catfish

Breeding bristlenose catfish does not have to be very hard. With this report, everyone should be able to breed them.

Spawning Aulonocranus dewindti

Spawning Aulonocranus dewindti, a lake Tanganyika cichlid. Aulonocranus dewindti, in the wild, is the most common featherfin in the intermediate habitat

Corydoras duplicareus

Spawing Corydoras duplicareus

Spawning Corydoras duplicareus explained from step to step. A species very similar to some other Cory species.

Aequidens diadema - Royal Acara Cichlid

Four Years + Patience = Aequidens diadema

It took me four years and a lot of patience to breed the Aequidens diadema but I finally succeeded! It was not the easiest fish to keep!

Aspidoras pauciradiatus

Breeding Aspidoras pauciradiatus

Aspidoras pauciradiatus looks a lot like Corydoras. Breeding Aspidoras is a bit more difficult but not impossible!



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