Cynolebias: True annual killifish that require slightly different treatment than the East African Nothobranchius.
Care and breeding of Epiplatys annulatus
Keeping and breeding Epiplatys annulatus doesn’t have to be hard. Just provide them a breeding tank, spawning mops and Java Moss. The fry however need very tiny food like green water and rotifers).
Killifish for Dummies
Killifish for Dummies; Keeping and breeding killifish, as per their genus: Aphyosemion; Nothobranchius; Aplocheilus, Epiplatys and Cynolebius.
Shipping Killifish and Eggs
Shipping live Killifish can be done without much problems…just follow the rules. Shipping killifish eggs is even easier.
Epiplatys chaperi Breeding Report
Epiplatys chaperi are mop spawning West African killies and are quite easy to breed and raise in small containers.
Aphyosemion australe breeding report
Breeding Aphyosemion australe if fairly easy, just make a spawning mop and follow this breeding report. The eggs hatch after 10 to 14 days.
Collecting/Incubating Nothobranchius Eggs
Collecting/Incubating Nothobranchius Eggs. A full photo report on how to collect and incubate nothobranchius eggs.
Breeding Pachypanchax
Pachypanchax are easy to keep and are undemanding of water conditions in terms of hardness or pH. Most average water suits them just fine, both for maintenance and breeding.