
The genus Hypancistrus is part of the Loricariidae family. The family includes more than 800 species. The genus Hypancistrus includes about nine officially described species. In addition, a number of species have been discovered that have not yet been officially described but probably belong to this family. The name Hypancistrus can be broken down into two parts. From ancient Greek hypo means less than and ancistrus. This is a reference to the lower number of teeth in the lower jaw of these species. The best-known species is the Hypancistrus zebra, their beautiful black and white markings and small size make it a very popular fish.

Hypancistrus species

Below you will find the species that we have not yet added to the database. At the very bottom, with a photo, the species that we have already included in the database.

H. contradens
H. furunculus
H. inspector
H. lunaorum
H. margaritatus
H. phantasma


Like all species of the Loricariidae family, Hypancistrus does not have scales. Under their skin, they have sturdy bony plates that give them their name Armored Catfish. The eye has the characteristic Omega shape. The belly is flat so they can lie flat on the bottom. The largest species grows to a maximum of 11 centimeters.

Hypancistrus differs from other Loricariidae by a number of characteristics. Their jaw forms an angle of less than 90 degrees to their body. Their abdomen is only half protected by the harness instead of fully protected. They have fewer teeth in their lower jaw than in their upper jaw. The teeth in the lower jaw are also almost twice as long as in the upper jaw.

Sexual dimorphism

The difference between males and females can often be seen better from above. The males have a wider head than the females. The first fin rays of the pectoral fins are thicker and show clearer odontes, more pronounced odontes form on the rear body and cheek. The females have a slightly narrower head but are a bit wider around the middle of the body.


The Hypancistrus diet is somewhat dependent on the species. Hypancistrus zebra is more of a carnivore than an omnivore, they often refuse to eat vegetable food. Hypancistrus inspector also eats algae and detritus while Hypancistrus contradens feeds mainly on aufwuchs.


Hypancistrus species are found in South America. They occur in the slow-flowing parts of the Orinoco, Rio Xingu and Rio Negro basin. The previously described species mainly come from Venezuela. The species to be described also come from Brazil and Guyana.

They often live in parts where there are some rocks or stones where they hide in cracks and crevices.

The aquarium

Fish from the Hypancistrus genus can be kept in the aquarium. The small size and attractive colours certainly make them suitable. They like clean and oxygenated water. Therefore, provide some current and keep a close eye on the water values.

They like to hide, so decorate the aquarium with enough wood, stones or artificial hideouts. Keep them together with some peaceful, calm species. Held together with overly busy species makes them hide.

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