
The Squeakers or Upside-Down Catfish (Mochokidae) are a family of fish from the order Siluriformes. There are about 9 genera and about 200 species known within this family. They are freshwater fish and are found in Africa. The fish have three pairs of barbels, and no barbel on the nose. Fish from this family grow up to 72 centimeters in length.

The species in this family have adipose fins. While they have disappeared or are very small in many species, the adipose fin is greatly enlarged within this family. The pectoral and dorsal fins contain a mechanism to secure them. Just like Corydoras, they protect themselves against robbers in this way. The blocked strong and sharp fins make them difficult to swallow.

With more than 130 species, the genus Synodontis is the most extensive in the family Mochokidae.