Below you will find a list of species that occur around Ababi Island but are not yet in the database. Below, find, with a photo, the species we have included in the database.
Aulonocara sp. ‘chitande type north’
Aulonocara stuartgranti
Chindongo sp. ‘elongatus ruarwe’
Copadichromis sp. ‘kawanga’
Melanochromis parallelus
Metriaclima sp. ‘zebra gold’
Metriaclima sp. ‘zebra ruarwe’
Mylochromis melanonotus
Tropheops sp. ‘olive’
Tropheops sp. ‘red fin’
Also see the map of Lake Malawi with all locations: map of Lake Malawi
Showing all 6 results
Showing all 6 results