
Chewere is a small village in the north of Lake Malawi. It is located on the coast in Malawi.

Fish species around Chewere

Below you will find a list of species that occur around Chewere but are not yet in the database. Below, find, with a photo, the species we have included in the database.

Aulonocara stuartgranti
Caprichromis liemi
Copadichromis likomae
Corematodus taeniatus
Lichnochromis acuticeps
Mylochromis mola
Otopharynx spelaeotes
Petrotilapia genalutea
Pseudotropheus lucerna
Sciaenochromis ahli
Tropheops macrophthalmus
Tropheops sp. ‘weed’

Also see the map of Lake Malawi with all locations: map of Lake Malawi

Showing 1–12 of 13 results