Zimbawe Rock
Below is a list of species that occur around this location but are not yet in the database. Below, find, with a photo, the species we have included in the database.
Copadichromis cyaneus
Ctenopharynx pictus
Docimodus evelynae
Hemitaeniochromis brachyrhynchus
Melanochromis heterochromis
Metriaclima flavicauda
Metriaclima zebra
Mylochromis sp. ‘incola mumbo’
Nyassachromis microcephalus
Oreochromis lidole
Oreochromis squamipinnis
Otopharynx ovatus
Petrotilapia nigra
Petrotilapia tridentiger
Placidochromis sp. ‘blue otter’
Protomelas insignis
Rhamphochromis esox
Stigmatochromis woodi
Also see the map of Lake Malawi with all locations: map of Lake Malawi
Showing 1–12 of 17 results
Showing 1–12 of 17 results