Magdalena River Basin and Pacific Coast – South America
This playlist explores the captivating biotopes of the Magdalena Basin and the Pacific coast of South America. This region is renowned for its unique biodiversity, where various fish species and plants coexist in a rich ecosystem. The videos provide an in-depth look at the natural habitats of native fish, their behaviors, and the specific conditions that allow them to thrive. For aquarium enthusiasts, this playlist serves as an excellent source of inspiration for creating biotope aquariums that closely mimic these natural environments.
The rich ecology of the area is examined, focusing on the interactions between fish, plants, and their environment. You will gain insight into the flowing rivers, tranquil lagoons, and complex ecosystems of the Pacific coast. This experience is not only visually impressive but also educational, particularly for those who wish to deepen their understanding of nature or contribute to the conservation of these unique regions.
Whether you are new to aquarium care or an experienced hobbyist, this playlist provides valuable information and a comprehensive look at one of South America’s most fascinating ecosystems. Be inspired by these beautiful videos and learn how you can bring a piece of the Magdalena Basin and the Pacific Coast into your home.
El Sorprendente Acuario Natural de San Cipriano
Sumérjase con nosotros en las cristalinas aguas donde se puede apreciar una sorprendente y colorida diversidad de peces.
El Sorprendente Acuario Natural de San Cipriano
Sumérjase con nosotros en las cristalinas aguas donde se puede ...
Sumérjase con nosotros en las cristalinas aguas donde se puede apreciar una sorprendente y colorida diversidad de peces.
Geophagus steindachneri in ihrem Biotop ( Kolumbien)
Unterwasser Aufnahmen von Geophagus steindachneri in seinem ...
Unterwasser Aufnahmen von Geophagus steindachneri in seinem natürlichen Biotop in einem kleinen Fluss in der nähe von Bonda / Kolumbien
Sidestream from Rio Preia with many Tetras
exploring a sidestream from the Rio Preia near Tayrona Colombia. Here ...
exploring a sidestream from the Rio Preia near Tayrona Colombia. Here i found a lot of nice Tetras.
Geophagus steindachneri in einem Regenwaldbach Kolumbien -1-
Geophagus steindachneri in einem Regenwaldbach Kolumbien -1-
Geophagus steindachneri in einem Regenwaldbach Kolumbien -1-
Fast flowing stream in the Rio Magdalena in Colombia
This tank should resemble a fast flowing river in the Rio Magdalena ...
This tank should resemble a fast flowing river in the Rio Magdalena system, which where the Chaetostoma and Characidium can be found in these fast flowing waters.
Edit: the Rio Meta the video has to be Rio Magdalena (Honda Region Colombia)[+] Show More
Heiko Bleher explores the Caño Tonino in Río Caquetá Region, Colombia
The Rio Caquetá rises in the Southwest of the Colombian Andes nearly ...
Underwater footage GoPro Hero 2 HD in Don Diego River | GoPro Hero 2 HD Underwater
Probando la GoPro Hero 2 HD en el río Don Diego en el departamento del ...
Probando la GoPro Hero 2 HD en el río Don Diego en el departamento del Magdalena, Colombia. Ese día fuimos en busca de róbalos, pero al parecer había tanta comida ...que no quisieron nada.
Testing the GoPro Hero 2 HD in the Don Diego River at Magdalena Colombia. We're searching for snook, but due to the amounts of bait in the river, they we're full![+] Show More
Geophagus steindachneri with fry wild in colombia
Wild Geophagus steindachneri in a small stream at the Sierra Nevada de ...
Wild Geophagus steindachneri in a small stream at the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta ( close to the city Bonda)
Rio Buritaca
Clear water and a mix of fishes.
Clear water and a mix of fishes.
Geophagus steindachneri in einem Bach in Kolumbien
Geophagus steindachneri in Kolumbien Unterwasser gefilmt in einem ...
Geophagus steindachneri in Kolumbien Unterwasser gefilmt in einem kleinen Bach am Passo del Mango
Poecilia reticulata Wildguppy River Colombia
Wildguppys in einem kleinen Fluss in Kolumbien
Wildguppys in einem kleinen Fluss in Kolumbien
Regenwaldbach in Kolumbien
Dieser Regenwaldbach in der nähe von Bonda in Kolumbien hatte einen ...
Dieser Regenwaldbach in der nähe von Bonda in Kolumbien hatte einen Wasserfall mit einem natürlichen Jacuzzi. Eine tolle Erfrischung beim Fische fangen