
The genus Rasbora contains slender fish, whose body is laterally compressed. An exception to this are some species whose body is high and stocky. The mouth is slanted upwards with a protruding lower jaw. Barbels may be present or absent. Scales are generally quite large to medium. The lateral line initially curves downwards and then arcs into the lower part of the caudal peduncle. In species with incomplete lateral line, such as R. heteromerpha, R. hengeli, R. nigromarginata, R. pauciperforata and R. vaterifloris, it curves sharply downward immediately at the beginning.


The natural habitat extends from East Africa over South and East Asia to Canton and further into Indonesia and the Philippines. They generally populate the upper water layers of slow-flowing or stagnant waters in large schools. Numerous species mate in schools. Only a few species, such as R.heteromorpha, R.maculata and others, occur exclusively in black water.

The Aquarium

Although the fish belonging to this genus could almost all make excellent aquarium pets, as they have no special requirements, are very peaceful by nature and also due to their small size suitable for both large and small aquariums, only a very modest number have a acquired a more or less permanent place in the hobby.

We offer the frolicking swimmers a spacious aquarium with dense border planting of various plants from broad and fine-leaved. All calm fish are suitable as tank mates, both larger and smaller species. The temperature may generally fluctuate from 22 to 26 degrees Celsius.

We always provide a small school that is adapted to the natural way of life. A dark bottom is indispensable for some species and it is also desirable to filter the aquarium water over peat for these species. Almost all small to medium-sized food animals can be used as food, such as mosquito larvae and other insect larvae, crustaceans, fruit flies, aphids, ants and their eggs and winged insects. Most species also accept dry food.

Breeding Rasbora

Breeding is not very difficult with the species R.dorsiocellata macrophtophalma, R.lateristriata lateristriata, R. lateristriata elegans, R.taeniata and R.trillineata. The breeding sets are propagated in a medium-sized breeding tank at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. The breeding water can be old aquarium water or fresh water that is not too hard and has been aged and slightly acidified by filtering over peat. The clutch is deposited in Myriophyllum, above Nitella, in aquafern or artificial spawning substrates.

Breeding is less simple with the species R.heteromorpha, R.pauciperforata, R.urophthalma, R.maculata and R.vaterifloris. In addition to the water quality (extremely soft and quite acidic), the choice of partner for these species also has a major influence on the final result.

In general, it is wise to remove the parents after spawning. The eggs hatch after 25-30 hours. The young fish hang between the plants or on the glass for 3-5 days and then go in search of food. For the first few days, infusion or, in case of emergency, home-grown paramecium must be provided. After 3-5 days, the brine shrimp are already being hunted, which can be fed until small Daphnia and Cyclops are eligible. The fry usually grow well, which we can still positively influence by regular water changes.


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